&hint1=I am an 18th century oil painting& &hint2=My artist, Rachel Ruysch, was among the leading exponents of the genre& &hint3=She usually incorporated details of animals, a reflection of the Dutch "naturalia"& &hint4=She produced many flower compositions, which became a specialty among still-life painters& &choices=Flowers, Fruit, and Insects;Breakfast Piece;Vanitas (Still Life);Allegory of Sight;Self-Portrait;Alexander the Great Visiting the Studio of the Apelles& &answer=Flowers, Fruit, and Insects& &search=Rachel Ruysch Flowers& &title=Flowers, Fruit, and Insects& &artist=Rachel Ruysch& &medium=Oil on canvas& &date=1716& &location=Palazzo Pitti, Florence& &dimensions=&